Zeta MU | x9999 | Season 19 Part 2-3

Started by excelia, Aug 12, 2024, 07:44 AM


Discord: https://discord.gg/zJ23PUS7DV
Register at: https://zetamuonline.com

•Season: 19 Part 2-3
•Premium IGCN Files
•Long Term Server
•Built-in Anti-lag
•Normal Exp: 9999x
•Master Level Exp: 9999x
•Server Location: Europe
•Max Level: 400
•Max Master Level: 1200
•Max Stats: 32767
•Reset: Yes
•Reset On the Spot: Yes
•Drop rate: High
•Jewel Success Rate: High
•Offtrade: Available
•Max client: 5 per PC / Laptop
•100 Reset for Grand Reset
•System: Play-to-win (Hunt via bosses to earn wcoin)
- Bosses spawn througout the day! Non-stop grinding!
- New Leviathan Pet
- New Verdant Earrings
- New Twisted Karutan Map!
- Combat Power for Dark Lord Scepters
- New Dark Lord Pets: Divine Horse, Divine Spirits - Ice, Fire, Holy
- Dark Lord Mastery Shields
- For more information, tips and guides, join our discord server.

NOTE: We are migrating to European host on August 17, 2024! You can start farming now while our host is currently on Asia!

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