Welcome to the TUServerMU Community Forum!

Started by Dorin, Apr 23, 2023, 10:33 PM


Welcome to the TUServerMU Community Forum! This is where you can discuss MuOnline, get help from other members, and share ideas and experiences with other members of our community. We are delighted to have you with us and hope you enjoy your time on our forum.

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Forum Rules:

  • Respect other community members - We do not tolerate insults, personal attacks or aggressive behavior on the forum. Please treat other members with respect and courtesy.
  • Do not post offensive or inappropriate content - Do not post content that may be considered offensive, racist, sexist, discriminatory or inappropriate. This includes images, videos, links or any other type of content that may be considered objectionable.
  • Don't spam the forum - Don't post messages that have nothing to do with the topic of the discussion or the forum section. Also, don't post the same messages in multiple places on the forum.
  • Do not post personal information - Do not post personal information about other members or yourself on the forum. This includes your full name, address, phone number or any other personal information.
  • Respect copyright - Do not post copyrighted content without the owner's permission. This includes images, videos, music and any other type of copyrighted content.
  • Follow Moderators' Guidelines - Forum moderators have the right to remove inappropriate content or take action against members who violate forum rules. Please respect their decisions and cooperate with them if further action is required.
  • Please communicate only in English so that everyone can understand.
  • Kindly refrain from using any offensive language as we maintain a professional environment.

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