Files Exclusive Files WZTeam - Season 2 KOR / 1.02.44 - 1.02R+

Started by fratika, Dec 08, 2023, 01:53 AM


Exclusive Files WZTeam - Season 2 KOR / 1.02.44 - 1.02R+


// #=================================================================
# - Monster Health Bar (NEW)
# - Change Maximum Level
# - Currency System
# - Reconnect (NEW)
# - Party Reconnect (NEW)
# - Widescreen Resolution
# - Multiple Warehouses
# - Game Master System
# - News System
# - Can add New Items (NEW)
# - Can add New Jewels (NEW)
# - Can add New Monsters (NEW)
# - Can add New Maps (NEW)
# - Glow System (NEW)
# - .LUA Script (NEW)
# - Custom Event (NEW)
// #=================================================================
# - /move - Move to a map
# - /guildwar - Challenge a Guild to War
# - /guildsoccer - Challenge a Guild to battle soccer
# - /request - Accept or ignore party, trade, etc. requests
# - /post - Global chat communication in the game
# - /f - Add points to strength (without relogging)
# - /a - Add points to agility (without relogging)
# - /v - Add points to vitality (without relogging)
# - /e - Add points to energy (without relogging)
# - /c - Add points to command (without relogging)
# - /pk - Clear PK
# - /zen - Acquire zen
# - /evo - Evolve to 2nd and 3rd class
# - /bau - Change Warehouse
# - /reset - Reset character (without relogging)
# - /mreset - Master reset
# - /limparinv - Clear Inventory
# - /readd - Re-add points
# - /rename - Change character name
# - /dcfriend - Disconnect a friend (if the account remains logged in)
# - /store - Open store for jewels (Configure command in GameServerInfo - Custom.dat)
# - /offstore - Open Offline Store
# - /attack - Start automatic attack
# - /offattack - Start automatic offline attack
# - /gift - Receive a gift (Configurable in CustomGift.txt)
# - /marry - Propose marriage
# - /accept - Accept marriage
# - /divorce - Divorce
# - /trackmarry - Go to your Husband/Wife
# - /buyvip - Buy VIP (Configure plans in CustomBuyVip.txt)
# - /pack <10-20-30> - Create jewel pack
# - /unpack <10-20-30> - Unpack Jewel pack
# - /pick - Automatically pick up items (Configure in CustomPick.txt)
# - /pickset -1 - Automatically pick up items by category
# - /pickclear - Reset /pick and /pickset settings
// #=================================================================
# - /gmmove - Move a player (or yourself)
# - /gmpost - Send a global message
# - /track - Go to a player
# - /trace - Pull a player to you
# - /disconnect - Disconnect a player
# - /firework - Release fireworks
# - /make - Create an item in your inventory
# - /drop - Drop an item on the ground
# - /skin - Change a player's skin (or your own)
# - /setmoney - Give zen to a player
# - /hide - Become invisible
# - /edit - Edit a player
# - /setpk <1~6> - Make a player PK
# - /setvip - Add VIP
# - /moveall - Move all players
# - /moveguild - Move a guild
# - /makemob - Create monster spawn
# - /makeset - Create a set
# - /banacc - Ban an account
# - /banchar - Ban a character
# - /banchat - Ban character from chatting
# - /unbanacc - Unban an account
# - /unbanchar - Unban a character
# - /unbanchat - Unban character from chatting
# - /bcstart - Start Blood Castle
# - /dsstart - Start Devil Square
# - /ccstart - Start Chaos Castle
# - /setbuff - Add Buff to a character
// #=================================================================
# - Chaos Castle
# - Blood Castle
# - Devil Square
# - Castle Siege
# - Castle Deep
# - White Wizard Invasion
# - Red Dragon Invasion
# - Golden Dragon Invasion
# - Kundun Kalima
# - Skeleton King
# - Drop Event
# - Crywolf
# - Kanturu Event
// #=================================================================
// # - VIP Box System [Customized for 3 VIP Types]
// # - @ - Added 3 Custom Packages
// # - WZen Currency with a value of 1,000,000.00 zen
// # - Added Oracle Layla Skin NPC from Kalima (The main didn't load the Original bmd)
// # - Added Collector NPC
// # - Added Spirit Bloom NPC (SkyEvent)
// # - @ - Added 1 Invitation to the Event
// #
// #=================================================================
// # - ServerSide
// #=================================================================
// #
// # - @ - VIP Box System [Customized for 3 VIP Types]
// # - @ - WZen Currency with a value of 1,000,000.00 zen
// # - Custom Commands
// # - @ - WZen Command
// # - @ - AUTOPOT Command
// # - @ - PET Command
// # - @ - Participate Command
// # - @ - Want to Go Command
// # - Event Systems
// # - @ - Hide and Seek
// # - @ - Tag
// # - @ - Want to Go
// # - @ - Russian Roulette
// # - @ - Sky Event
// # - Invasion Announcement System
// # - @ - The System Notifies the Invasion 5 minutes in advance, as in the original event systems
// # - Room Limitation System
// # - @ - Account Level
// # - @ - Level
// # - @ - Reset Count
// # - @ - Master Reset Count

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Guys i cannot use dl skills in this server how can i fix it?



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