Highest GHZ CPU on MU Online - Season 12+ ( Question - Research ) - FPS drop iss

Started by alexyno30, Dec 26, 2024, 04:25 AM


hello everybody . bit of a long shot 🙂 but in order to kill the fps drops i started to go a bit deep and i have done a bit of a research , i managed to find out that MU Online is using a single core from cpu ( which is not really something new to us ) , but than the higher the ghz on that core are the more stable the game gets apparently , now i have a question , did anybody played mu on a the ghz beast intel 14900KS 6.2ghz , or any cpu over 5ghz ? . i am running mine on a ryzen 7 1800x and 3.8ghz it still causing frame drops even on mobs only , so if anybody has played MU on something higher than that can you please share the experience ? thank you

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