DLL RPC Discord

Started by fratika, Feb 07, 2025, 07:29 PM


Hello Dark Lords and Elves of TSM  :D  :D  :D !

I'm here to share something I just found while browsing GitHub. I believe there is no explanation about this on TSM, so I thought it would be good to bring it to the forum.

Discord RPC Lua for the MuOnline client, based on Ogocx scripts

🔹 How to use it: 
1️⃣ Place the discord-rpc.dll file in the root folder of your client. 
2️⃣ Add the script inside the "Lua\Manager\Interface" folder. 
3️⃣ Edit the script file with your Discord server information and application ID. 
4️⃣ Modify the code as needed to fit your requirements. 


- Place the dll (discord-rpc.dll) in the root folder of your client. 
- Add the script inside the "Lua\Manager\Interface" folder. 
- Change the script file with your Discord server and appID information. 

Modify the code to your liking.

I'm not sure if this will work for all servers, but it would be great if someone takes a look and tries to implement it in our servers. Since playing with Discord integration has become trendy, this could be interesting to explore.

I hope it helps! 

P.S.: I don't know how to use it myself, nor have I tested it, but I'm sharing it here in case someone finds it useful for their client. 🚀 

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